Over 70s: How are you coping with cocooning?

We want to hear from readers about their experiences of staying indoors

Do you chat regularly to family and friends on the phone or online, or are you lonely? Photograph: iStock

It’s almost two weeks since the Taoiseach instructed people over 70 to “cocoon” in their own homes.

The Irish Times would like to hear from readers about their experiences. How are you coping with cocooning? Do you think it is fair that everyone over 70 is restricted in this way? Have you broken the guidelines and gone out for a walk or to shop? Who are you relying on for groceries and other supplies and services? Do you chat regularly to family and friends on the phone or online, or are you lonely? What are you doing to fill your time? What difficulties or unexpected joys are you experiencing? Do you have any advice or suggestions for others who may be finding it tough?

Whatever your experience of the Covid-19 crisis, The Irish Times would like to hear from you. You can use this form to submit your experiences. You can attach a photograph of yourself if you wish.

If you would like to remain anonymous, please indicate this in your submission.


A selection of responses may be published online and/or in print.

Thank you.