Architects offer one-hour consultations as part of annual Simon campaign

Now in its 12th year, the campaign has proved exceptionally popular having raised more than €500,000 to date

Jessica Walsh (6) from Ranelagh launches annual RIAI Simon Open Door campaign. Photograph: Conor Healy Photography

With spring in the air thoughts turn to domestic refurbs, but they don’t always come cheap.

At the annual Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) Simon Open Door campaign architects all around the country offer one-hour consultancies to the public for a modest fee of €70, and all of the proceeds go to Simon Communities Ireland.

The campaign, now in its 12th year, has proved exceptionally popular having raised more than €500,000 to date and helped countless people through domestic design conundrums.

This year’s campaign takes place on Saturday and Sunday, May 14th and 15th, and aims to raise €100,000.


Those interested in participating should go to to book a one-hour consultation with an RIAI registered architect in their area.

Speaking at this week’s launch Carole Pollard, president of the RIAI said, “Evidence has shown that the existing housing delivery model has failed us and that new models must be developed.

“New models should include: starter homes becoming appropriately designed and more affordable; long-term rental accommodation becoming more attractive as an alternative to purchasing; and funding being made available for the adequate provision and ongoing management of social housing.”