Ballyfermot’s PlayPark will be perfect for picnics and skateboarding

Park will cater for skaters, BMXers, dog walkers, joggers and strollers

Ballyfermot’s forthcoming PlayPark: state-of-the-art park design will furnish something for everyone

Some urban parks are sedate affairs, all herbaceous borders, duck ponds and benches, but not so Ballyfermot’s forthcoming PlayPark.

After an international design competition, led by the Irish Architecture Foundation, the Matheson Foundation and Dublin City Council; the London practice, Relational Urbanism (, has been selected to create a funky space.

Catering to skaters and BMXers, as well as dog walkers, joggers and strollers, the selection panel included Turner Prize-winning Assemble’s Amica Dall, as well as local youth workers and community representatives.

And with a consultation process that included picnics, play days, building workshops as well as the usual talk, it looks like it’s going to be a winner. Work begins immediately, and is scheduled for completion in spring 2017.