Chocolate adds a tasty accent to sittingroom

Dark chocolate is daring in a relatively small room - and can be overpowering - but the owner of 9 Reuben Avenue managed to achieve…

Dark chocolate is daring in a relatively small room - and can be overpowering - but the owner of 9 Reuben Avenue managed to achieve a look that's intimate rather than overbearing, by limiting the colour to just three-quarters of one wall.

The dark wall, adjustable lamp and brown leather Line armchair from Duff Tisdall (€350) help create a warm and cosy, study-like, relaxing atmosphere, without hemming in the room.

This room is linked to a bright front livingroom, and the dark wall also creates depth as you look along the length of the two rooms.

The grey velvet two-and-a-half seater Donna sofa, also from Duff Tisdall (€2,420), is comfy and informal and provides an interesting colour contrast to the brown wall.


Splashes of bright colour are provided by the Indonesian painting on the wall and the red linen cushions, also from Duff Tisdall.The adjustable lamp beside the leather armchair was bought in Orchard Nurseries (041-9841671) .