CIF redevelopment plans under fire

IS THERE NO end to the woes of the Construction Industry Federation? Not a day goes by without some negative headline

IS THERE NO end to the woes of the Construction Industry Federation? Not a day goes by without some negative headline. Meanwhile, it is engaged in a battle with local residents and conservationists about its plans to redevelop its HQ at Canal House, Canal Road, D6. Tom Parlon and the lads at CIF have plans for a seven-storey office and residential scheme on the site, including the demolition of a row of derelict cottages. The plans have prompted strong words from residents, local representatives and An Taisce.

David Quinn, for residents from neighbouring Ontario Terrace and Mount Pleasant Parade, says the scheme “promises to become one of south Dublin’s iconic cock-ups”, and that there is no evidence that “any consideration was given to those people living adjacent, aside, behind or in front” of the site. He describes the scheme as “a bold and arrogant statement to those living in its shadows”. Residents of Athlumney Villas have taken exception to plans to use their road as the sole construction entrance. Among the 21 other objectors were An Taisce and Senator Deirdre de Búrca.

A CIF spokesman said it had engaged in pre-planning discussions with the council and went to great length to engage with residents. All will be revealed this weekend when Dublin City Manger John Tierney is due to make a decision on the scheme.