Dates for your diary

Dates for your diary


Course: certificate in auctioneering and estate agency. Enrolment is now taking place for IPAV's part-time certificate in auctioneering and estate agency course. Venues: institutes of technology Cork, Waterford, Tallaght and Galway. Application forms available at www.ipav.ie or contact 01-678 5685.

Course: certificate and diploma in fine and decorative arts. Enrolment is now taking place for both full-time diploma course and part-time certificate course in fine and decorative arts. Application forms available at www.ipav.ie or contact 01-678 5685. IPAV Headquarters, 129 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2.



Seminar: update on the retail market, July 9th at 5.30pm. Speaker: Larry Brennan, FIAVI, Savills Hamilton Osborne King. Venue: 38 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

Course: urban development and investment appraisal course, July 24th, 25th, 31st and August 1st, from 9am to 1pm. Course facilitator: Dr Brendan Williams. Further details are available from Julie Creedon. E-mail: julie@iavi.ie.

Irish Property Owners Association

Course: professional training in aspects of residential property rental in Ireland. Details: 01-827 6000, e-mail info@ipoa.ie or www.ipoa.ie.


Course: health and safety - designing for safety. Details: Teresa Harte at tharte@riai.ie or 01-669 1472.

Institute of Project Management

Course: diploma in applied project management starts in Dublin and Cork in September, 2008.

Course: project management passport. Commences: Dublin, Limerick (September) and Cork (October).

Course: international certification. Details: 01-6614 677 or e-mail info@projectmanagement.ie or www.projectmanagement.ie.

Organic Centre

Course: learn how to live the good life - organic gardening, growing and using herbs and fruit, cheesemaking, baking and wholefood cooking, jam making, etc. July 21st to 25th. Fee: €690.

Event: garden party - grow your own, make a difference, save money and have fun. Action-packed day on how to grow some of your own organic food plus guided tours around the gardens and orchard. July 20th, from 11am to 5pm. Fee: €7 (with children free). Details: 071 9854338 or e-mail info@theorganiccentre.ie or visit www.theorganiccentre.ie.

Irish Complimentary Educational Systems

Workshop: property masterclass, September 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, October 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th. Details: Darrell O'Dea. 087 292 5067. E-mail: Darrell@theicesgroup.com

Achill Archaeological Field School

Course: digital survey, mapping and CAD for archaeologists, July 12th.

Course: archaeology professional development - advanced digital survey, mapping and CAD, July 26th.

Course: introduction to maritime archaeology, August 11th to 15th. Details: 098-43564 or e-mail info@achill-fieldschool.com or visit www.achill-fieldschool.com.

Course: bare bones. Intensive course in excavation and recording procedures on site plus one day tour of archaeological sites on Achill Island or nearby Clare Island in Clew Bay, August 11th.

European Network for Housing Research

Conference: Shrinking cities, sprawling suburbs, changing countrysides, July 6th to 9th, University College Dublin. Keynote speakers from Ireland, Europe, North America and Australia will address the conference. Details from www.enhr2008.com.

Business to Arts

Exhibition: 10,000 to 50 - contemporary art from the members of Business to Arts on view at the Irish Museum of Modern Art until August 4th. For more information see www.businesstoarts.ie.

National Irish Safety Organisation

Course: VDU/DSE assessor course, July 7th and 9th, NISO, Ballymount, Dublin 12.

Course: risk assessment and safety statement course, July 9th and 16th, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin 9.

Course: manual handling instructor course, July 21st to 23rd, and July 28th and 29th, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin 9.

Course: manual handling instructor refresher course, July 22nd and 23rd, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin 9.

Course: safe pass every Friday at NISO, Ballymount, Dublin 12.

Course: safe pass, July 30th, NISO, Ballymount, Dublin 12.

Course: occupational first aid course, July 16th, 17th and 18th, NISO, Ballymount, Dublin 12.

Dun Laoghaire College of Further Education

Course: architectural technology and design, furniture design and manufacture, and construction technology, FETAC awarded full-time courses commencing September 2008. Details from 01-2809676 or www.dlcfe.ie.

Pearse College of Further Education

Course: architectural draughting and CAD, FETAC level five, commencing September 2008.

Course: architectural technology and design. FETAC level six, commencing September 2008. Details on above courses: 01-453 6661 or www.pearsecollege.ie.

Senior College Dun Laoghaire

Course: interior design. One, two or three years, mornings option, RHODEC and higher national diploma qualifications possible.

Course: garden design - two-year higher national diploma, leading to further year for hons degree at University of Gloucester.

Course: landscape design - two-year higher national diploma, leading to one further year for hons degree at University of Gloucester.

Course: auctioneering - two-year certificate (IPAV), leading to two further years for hons degree at College of Commerce Cork and University of West England.

Course: health and safety - one-year higher national certificate, two-year higher national diploma, mornings option. All of the above courses commence in September 2008. For further details: 01-280 0385 or e-mail office@scd.ie or visit www.scd.ie.

Organisations should send entries to Mary Hetherington before noon on Thursday for inclusion the following Thursday. Telephone: 01-675 8000; fax: 01-675 8037; e-mail mhetherington@irish-times.ie