First-time buyers: How did you save your deposit and how long did it take?

What tips and advice do you have for others who are trying to save?

How long did it take to get your down payment together and what lifestyle changes helped you to save?

Saving enough money for a deposit is one of the biggest barriers to home ownership, particularly in Dublin where the average price of a house now stands at €380,000.

The Irish Times would like to hear from first-time buyers who have recently gotten on the property ladder, or who are planning to buy a home. How did you manage to save your deposit, and what advice would you give to those who are trying to save? How long did it take to get your down payment together and what lifestyle changes helped you to save? Did you do it alone, or did family help out?

Let us know by using this form (max 300 words please). A photograph of you is optional.

A selection of responses may be published online and/or in print. A journalist may contact you for more information if required.


Thank you.