Green light for poles at Kerry's Moll's Gap

Vodafone Ireland Ltd has got the green light from An Bord Pleanála to retain a telecommunications base station and two telecommunication…

Vodafone Ireland Ltd has got the green light from An Bord Pleanála to retain a telecommunications base station and two telecommunication poles in the scenic Moll's Gap in Killarney, Co Kerry in an area designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC).

This overrules a decision by the local authority to refuse planning permission and allows Vodafone to retain two 12-metre telecommunication poles and install dishes and antennae on them. Kerry County Council vetoed the development saying it contravened a policy not to place telecommunication masts within 1km of residential properties, and said it is in close proximity to the Avoca shop and restaurant.

However, An Bord Pleanála granted permission on the basis of a national strategy "regarding the improvement of mobile communications services" and said the location of the proposed development is on a site within an existing quarry. It also took into account "the slim nature and limited height of the poles and the limited size of the dishes and equipment cabins" .

Earlier this year An Bord Pleanála overruled a decision by Kerry County Council to refuse planning for the Vodafone mast at Kenmare, near the Moll's Gap to Sneem road.


Kerry County Council ruled the 24-metre slimline tower in a forested area in the Blackwater SAC would depreciate the value of properties in the area .

Objectors to the mast, mainly residents, said the area was an important tourist route in a scenic area where the unspoilt landscape must be protected. Planning permission was granted for a period of five years to enable the impact of the development to be reassessed, having regard to changes in technology and design.

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan is Special Reports Editor of The Irish Times