Seven tips for staging your home for sale

Going to market? Here’s your checklist

Consider renting some furniture if you want to create a particular look.

Create curb appeal

First impressions count: paint the front door, cut grass, tidy the front garden, add some flowers. Clean windows and take down net curtains.

Clear clutter

De-personalise: the aim is to let potential buyers imagine their own life in the house, so put away family photos, souvenirs, and some, if not all, ornaments.


Tidy: put toys away, shelve books, remove items from countertops, bathrooms. Put them in boxes and stack in the garage or anywhere else out of sight.


Everything, professionally if you can afford to. Windows, glass doors, bathroom tiles should sparkle. Clean carpets , polish timber floors. It’s hard to maintain if you’re still living in the house, but essential. De-odorise – bake bread in the oven, burn vanilla-scented candles.


At least, the rooms that need it most. And go for neutral – grey, in many shades, is more popular nowadays than the many variations on magnolia.


Open curtains and blinds, fix any broken light fittings, clean existing fittings.


If you have too much furniture, store some of it. Consider renting some furniture if you want to create a particular look.


Clear garden clutter, clean patios and decks, mow lawns, brighten with a few flower tubs.