Sort It: Fireplaces don’t need to be wasteful to feel authentic

The alternatives to open fires are increasingly attractive as well as eco-efficient

Focal point: building regulations mean modern fireplaces must be more energy-efficient than traditional ones

With the winter months drawing in, many of us look forward to cosying up by the fire. But could the fireplace, a traditional focal point so beloved by many, be a thing of the past? Changes to the building regulations, introduced in 2014, mean that all newbuilds must meet a far higher standard of eco-efficiency.

The problem with open fireplaces is that they are simply not energy-efficient in any way, so if you have one you would need to offset its poor rating with other, more expensive, measures to achieve a high energy rating for your home. Because of this, many developers are choosing not to put fires in new homes.

An open fireplace is effectively a hole in your roof from which heat can escape. Open fires lose 70 per cent of the heat generated up the chimney. The only type of fire that complies with newbuild regulations is one with a door. This tends to be expensive, so in many cases developers are choosing to move away from having a fire altogether.

If you live in a new house and find you are missing having a fireplace, there are a couple of good options that will create atmosphere without the need for a chimney. Electric fires have come a long way from the designs of the past, and are now quite realistic. Another good alternative is a flueless fire, commonly used in apartments, which work by burning a bio-ethanol gel.


If you live in a second-hand home and are concerned that you are losing heat through an open fire, you can install a closed unit. You will need to have your chimney inspected and surveyed so that you can select the right fire for the chimney opening that you have.

You will need to factor in the cost of the flue as well as the fire itself, and there will also be an installation charge.

If you want to increase the size of your fire so as to fit a larger, more contemporary version, it will mean some structural alterations to the opening. The existing lintel will need to be removed and replaced with a wider one to support the wall above the opening. It is essential that this work is carried out by an experienced professional, as a poor job will undermine the structural integrity of the chimney.

The most popular choice of fire by far is a stove. These come in a huge variety of styles, not just the more traditional versions most of us are familiar with; they can now actually resemble contemporary gas fires.

They can give out great heat, so it’s important you select the right model for the size of your room. They can also be linked to a back boiler to heat water, making them a really energy-efficient choice.

Denise O’Connor is an architect and design consultant