Share your story: Are you searching for a home to rent?

The Irish Times would like to hear from renters about their experiences

If you are a renter searching for a home, The Irish Times would like to hear your story.

Average rents around the country may have fallen slightly in the past few months, but "the private rental sector remains beyond the reach of far too many people", according to the Simon Communities of Ireland. Competition is fierce for rental properties, particularly in the cities, so affordability is not the only barrier facing tenants on the hunt for a new place to live.

If you are a renter searching for a home, The Irish Times would like to hear your story.

You can share yours using this form. Please include a few details about yourself, including: why you are searching now for a place to rent, with who, and where? How long have you been looking? What is your budget? How much competition do you see out there for rental properties? How do rental prices compare now to what you have paid in the past? What impact is this having on other elements of your life? Please attach a photograph too, if you have one to share.

A reporter may contact you to learn more about your story. A selection may be published on


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