Speakers line-up for seminar on historic and cultural landscapes

Event hosted by the Irish Georgian Society and Irish Landscape Institute

The lightwell feature in the headquarters of the Irish Georgian Society in the City Assembly House on South William Street. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Following the accelerated urbanisation of the boom years that allowed excessive building in inappropriate locations to go unchecked, efforts to take a more considered approach to the aesthetics of our landscape are to be welcomed.

The Irish Georgian Society (IGS) and Irish Landscape Institute (ILI) have come together to organise a full day seminar on historic, designed and cultural landscapes entitled Historic Landscape: Loved, Lost or in Limbo?

The event takes place on Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 at the lovely IGS headquarters in City Assembly House, South William St, Dublin.

It will be of particular interest to planners, conservation officers, landowners, communities and anyone working with significant historic and cultural landscapes, as the focus of the seminar will examine best conservation practices for such landscapes.


Speakers include Michael O'Donnell, outgoing president of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes, Jeanne Meldon, director, Castletown Foundation, Dr John Olley, Emeritus Senior Lecturer, UCD School of Architecture, William Cumming, senior Architectural Advisor, NIAH, Dept of Arts Heritage & the Gaeltacht and Louise Harrington, Architectural Heritage & Historic Landscape Consultant.

A discussion forum on issues related to the management and protection of historic and cultural landscapes, facilitated by Irish Landscape Institute president, Tony Williams will be held at the end of the seminar. Cost €60 (€45 to members of the IGS and the ILI)

Advance booking on www.igs.ie