It's like a blanket, except it's a fleece with - and this is the scientific bit - sleeves. Genius! So simple

Slanket.comIt's like a blanket, except it's a fleece with - and this is the scientific bit - sleeves. Genius! So simple. Why didn't we think of it? And it's now celebrating its 10th year.

O'Brien diariesWe'll do nice Christian Brothers-style handwriting in our brand new diary and it won't turn into a big ol' mess like last year or the year before or the one before that . . .

EpiphanyIt's the antithesis of tree-trimming. On January 6th, invite friends around, have them write their wildest epiphanies on paper, chuck them all in a bowl, then read them out.

www.muzu.tvRelive your music year by watching your favourite videos and creating your own playlists. Far superior to the oh-so-cluttered, so last year YouTube.


Spring breaksThe great escape to the sun starts here. Even if you don't have days in lieu left over after being such a Trojan worker last year, January is the month to get away.

Thermal underwearBecause we look like a hot potato in our long johns and feel like one, too. Alexander Mulqueen mankinis? Yuckster! LJs have old-fashioned sex appeal.

Bony elbowsYou shove past us in the sales, snatch that jumper we had our eye on and nonchalantly push us out of the way. We are standing right here. We are not invisible, you know.

New Year's EveHow was it for you, my dears? Did the earth turn on its axis for you? Couldn't find a taxi at 2am? All hype and no hope? For 2009/2010, stay home in front of the fire.

Consumer victimsIf you don't like your mobile phone provider, or your airline's no-refund policy, or prices in your local shop, here's a rare and novel idea: DON'T SHOP THERE!

Good intentionsWe'll join a gym as a resolution for 2009, write that book, scale that mountain, give up the fags, ease off on the booze, and even be nice to our in-laws. Oh, yes we will!

Re-giftingIf we see that darling little schoolbag/briefcase hybrid with the fetching shoulder strap or diamante clutch purse we bought you for sale in a charity shop, there will be hell to pay.