Lighthouse Cinema: Surely one the world's most beautiful modern movie theatres

Lighthouse Cinema:Surely one the world's most beautiful modern movie theatres. The Dublin venue deserves our bums on its seats, writes Quentin Fottrell

Grafton Architects:The always impressive Shelley McNamara and Yvonne Farrell have landed the World Building of the Year award for their new faculty building at Bocconi University, in Milan.

Recession roulette:Where the price wars stop nobody knows. We do! One Pico in Dublin has a three-course lunch for €19.95. Butter-roasted hake, anyone?

Zara:Open now on South King Street, next to Stephen's Green Shopping Centre, in Dublin. H&M soon to follow.


A stitch in time:The Knitting and Stitching Show at Dublin's RDS is just what we need in these recessionary times. Hurry, though: it ends tomorrow.

Coronation Street:Bring back Mavis, I Don't R'ally Know, Like. Our favourite soap is turning into an alcohol-fuelled violent episode of Brookside in its declining years.

Un-handymen:You came to shrub up our garden, plan a walk-in wardrobe and fix our dishwasher but never came back. Why have you forsaken us?

Cycle path fascists:We know you're in a hurry to get on with your exciting lives, but we cyclists don't want to get munched in the process, so leave room for us, too.

Studio audiencesThere are better things to do than to climb inside the telly after a couple of glasses of wine and wave to the folks at home.