Index: What’s hot and what’s not this week

Lilly Singh and Jennifer Lopez are up; Justin Trudeau is down

Lilly Singh: the boring bastion of late night US TV chat shows does something interesting. Photograph: Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images

What’s hot

Bernard Shaw 2.0 Bodytonic opening a new bar on Dublin's north side

On Becoming a God in Central Florida Kirsten Dunst helming this new dark comedy TV series

Psychodrama Time to give the Mercury-winning album another spin

Allta The pasta and wine bar everyone is waiting for


Lilly Singh The boring bastion of late night US TV chat shows does something interesting

Jennifer Lopez Oscar buzz A campaign we can get behind

Cord caps Particularly Carhartt's fuchsia offering

What’s not

Performative coupledom Your relationship does not need to go viral

Justin Trudeau Funny how privilege always finds a way to fall disgracefully

Coat choice overwhelm So many good autumn coats out there right now

English rugby team's promo Jingoistic and tonally way off

90s sunglasses Go big or go home, time to take shades back to the 70s

Criticising kids All these big men having a go at climate-striking students – not a great look

Big box stores Shop small, shop local