
Questions....and Answers

Questions....and Answers


1Which carmaker is going to produce a model named iQ?

2Which fuel company sponsored the "Keep Awake" scheme for drivers over the bank holiday?


3Who is the sponsor of the Irish Car of the Year and Irish Van of the Year competitions?

4Why was October 1st an important date for the Ford Motor Company?

5Where does the Southern Corridor, that links with the Western Corridor ending in Letterkenny, begin?

6How many people can the prototype electric Mini E hold?

7It is more than 12 years since Andy Green broke through the sound barrier to become the holder of the current World Land Speed Record of 763.053mph (1,228.01km/h); what is the name of the new record-attempt project with which he is associated?

8Who was Heinrich Kleyer?

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1. Toyota.

2.Topaz, which offered up to 20,000 free cups of coffee or tea to motorists.

3. Semperit Ireland.

4. It was the official centenary date of the production of the Model T.

5. Waterford.

6. Two. . . the rear seat is taken up by a lithium battery.

7. Bloodhound, a supersonic car aimed at breaking 1,000mph.

8. The founder of the Adler Car Company in Germany; it existed from 1900-1940.