Radar and laser: Some background

(1) The most efficient method of capturing speeding vehicles at mobile locations is laser technology

(1) The most efficient method of capturing speeding vehicles at mobile locations is laser technology. Laser technology can target large or continuous groups of speeding vehicles. Radar technology will not.

(2) To deter speeding motorists at "blackspot" or fixed location camera sites, the preferred capture technology utilised by most jurisdictions is to operate "in-road" technology such as digital loops or piezo electric sensors. They can also pinpoint vehicles by lane. To be able to show a motorist his speeding vehicle by colour, make, numberplate and driver's face, in the lane of travel reduces the possibility of any court contest.

(3) The latest speed detecting, growing in popularity is called PtP (Point-to-Point) or ToD (Time over Distance) and measures the speed of all passing vehicles regardless of lane changing, between known points along high casualty rate sections on motorway or highway. Typically such devices effectively stop "speed surfing" and slow drivers down over long sections of highway.