Carolan Lennon is consumer director of Vodafone, which employs 1,500 people in Ireland

Carolan Lennonis consumer director of Vodafone, which employs 1,500 people in Ireland. She lives in Dublin and is married with three sons under seven.

Describe your style

My style revolves around work wear, as I spend so much time in it. Most working weeks comprise time spent in the office, external meetings, and two evenings at work-related events. I often travel too, so I need to be extremely organised about my wardrobe to avoid stress levels soaring! Almost everything I wear can be adapted to work from desk to dinner - I simply don't have time to do more than add accessories or change a top.

How important is it for you to look good at work?


There are over 700 women in Vodafone in Ireland and I think most regard it as very important. The reality is that if you feel good, you perform better.

As one of few women at your level in business, what role can fashion play?

For me, it's all about looking smart and professional in a style that suits you and projects you in the best possible light. At Vodafone meetings abroad, there is the usual line-up of men in suits but there are also my French, Spanish and Italian women colleagues who always look stylish - I am determined not to let the Irish side down. Part of my job is to represent the company at events we sponsor - from the GAA All Stars banquet to The Gloss magazine's "Look The Business" event for women executives at the Mansion House this Wednesday. As an ambassador for your business, your image is important.

How do you plan your wardrobe?

I divide it into three: day-to-day business, evening events and travel. Travelling can entail five days of meetings and five nights' entertaining - often with the same group of people, so I take two basic looks for day with accessories and tops to mix and match, and a different outfit for each evening. I opt for items that pack easily like Donna Karan cashmeres, structured black dresses and skirts and dressy shirts.

Is there a good fashion formula for working women?

I think women have evolved more interesting looks for work than the female version of the man's suit. Personally, I don't like to look too corporate: I believe working women should dress to reflect their style and express their individuality, whilst being appropriately dressed for their role. I don't wear suits, I prefer well-tailored skirts and tops that have a more fashion edge. I love shoes and statement jewellery.

Last word?

Many women are under pressure with family and work commitments and have little or no time to shop or get ideas. I've learned there's lots of help out there; most stores have personal shoppers who, for no extra cost, will help you pull together a work look. There are great online options, too. As I am always on the go, my clothes can't be too precious. I want to be able to go straight in the door at home, hug the boys and be mummy.