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CURIOSITIES: DAVID CREEDON'S photographs of lost treasures and abandoned homes around the country are immediately compelling…

CURIOSITIES:DAVID CREEDON'S photographs of lost treasures and abandoned homes around the country are immediately compelling. Despite all the towering cranes and cement lorries trundling around the country, you don't have to travel too far into the countryside to find these relics of the recent past.

You can see them from next Thursday at the Mermaid Centre in Bray, when Barry Devlin will open an exhibition of them called Ghosts of the Faithful Departed.

Creedon once specialised in photographing music gigs, hence the connection with the former Horslips singer and bass player.

David Creedon was born in Cork. He has been taking photographs for 30 years and his work is regularly published. One of the images above, entitled High Nellie, has been chosen as the cover image for a new edition of Autumn of the Patriarch by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.


This photograph and others can be viewed on www.davidcreedon.com.

Ghosts of the Faithful Departed has been chosen by the British Council to be included in a touring exhibition called Living Together. This will tour 11 countries, including Azerbaijan, Croatia, Romania, Georgia and Austria.

The exhibition is on display at Mermaid Arts Centre from March 7th until April 5th and admission is free. Patsey Murphy