All I want for Christmas – Alison Spittle, comedian

A prawn cocktail binge is an essential ingredient

Alison Spittle: “Granny giving me a thong – that was wrong in so many ways”

All I want for Christmas is . . . prawn cocktails. It's the only time of the year I eat prawn cocktails, and I love it. My mam gets a big tub of it in the fridge for me. I'm the only one who'll eat it. Everyone else is afraid of prawns.

Christmas at home Either at my mam's in Westmeath, or my dad's in England, or my grandad's in Lincolnshire. They all feel like home.

Best Christmas gift When I was four I got a bike that when you pedalled it, it played the theme from The Twilight Zone.

Most bizarre Christmas gift My Irish granny's Christmas tradition is to give away a big bag of clothes that she's picked up in shops throughout the year. Some of my best clothes have come from Granny's bag of clothes. There'd be tops and pyjamas in it, and one time there was a thong in it. Granny giving me a thong – that was wrong in so many ways.


Christmas for me really starts when . . . The fridge is packed full of blue cheese and all this other stuff you never buy any other time of the year.

What brings out my inner Grinch Mass. I feel very bold saying that, because it's the main point of Christmas. You're at Mass and all you're thinking is, the Eastenders Christmas special is on telly. On Sunday mornings, there's nothing on the telly except Mass, so you might as well go and watch it live. But there's too much good stuff on the telly at Christmas.

The essential Christmas ingredient A comfortable chair with a good view of the television.

Alison Spittle's new comedy series, Nowhere Fast, is on RTÉ. Alison Spittle: Worrier Princess is at Vicar Street on January 13th