Five coronavirus-conscious ways to show your mam you love her this Mother’s Day

Arrange a virtual lunch, leave a treat on her doorstep or have a remote movie date

Here are five ways to show your love for your mother while still keeping your social distance. Photograph: CatLane/Getty Images

This Mother’s Day will be peculiar. With everyone being encouraged to stay at home and avoid socialising, many of us won’t be able to see our mothers on Sunday. But even though it may not be business as usual, the day doesn’t have to be a total write-off. Here are five ways to show your love for your mother while still keeping your social distance.

Digital love

In any other year, you might consider saying "I love you, Mam" with a bouquet of flowers or a tub of face cream endorsed by Jane Fonda. But with many keeping their distance and eschewing physical gifts, it might be prudent to purchase a digital gift that doesn't require visiting the shops or taking a delivery. How about brightening up her day with an audiobook, an ebook, a voucher that can be easily redeemed online, or a digital subscription of some sort? A *cough* Irish Times subscription is a bargain.

Leave a treat on her doorstep

If there's one thing that can get us all through this enforced period of isolation, it's cake. With that in mind, why not channel your inner Mary Berry and bake a special delivery for your mam? Victoria sponge, carrot cake, lemon drizzle – whatever tickles her fancy. Once the timer goes off, get ready for delivery. Ring her doorbell, leave it on her doorstep and make a run for it. Just think of it as a Mother's Day edition of knick-knack.

Arrange a virtual lunch

Although lunches and afternoon teas are all but verboten this year, there is no reason you and your mam can’t still have a little lunch date. Thanks to the plethora of video-call and video-meetings apps out there – WhatsApp, FaceTime, Zoom and Google Hangouts, among others – it has never been easier to organise a virtual hang. Simply pick a meal you both love and agree to prepare it at the same time. Once it’s ready, call each other, raise a glass and settle in for a virtual dining experience. Bon appetit.


Remote movie date

If you have been on Twitter at all this week, you have likely come across the comedian Alison Spittle's genius #CovideoParty hashtag. The premise is simple: people watch the same film at the same time and share their thoughts on Twitter. This Mother's Day, organise your own private #CovideoParty for you and your mam. Pick a film, press play simultaneously, and then exchange witty observations and emojis over WhatsApp. Sure, it'll be as if you're in the same room as her.

Record a tribute to her

Don’t feel a generic Hallmark card can do justice to your wonderful mam? Then why not record a special tribute to send her? Simply click record and speak from the heart about what makes her so deadly. If you’re feeling creative, you can write a poem or sing a song. Hell, you can perform an interpretive dance. As well as making up for your absence, it will cement your status as her favourite child. Win-win.