From Gina to Dad: ‘No matter that you are outnumbered once again’

Gina Dowling, Fairview, Dublin

Dear Dad

“Five girls! Your poor father” accompanied by a roll of the eyes, this was the common reaction to my biography of having 4 sisters and no brothers. But you were the richest man on the planet with your five “beautiful” girls. Mom says you never cared whether we were boys or girls, only that we were healthy. You devoted your life to giving us the best and keeping us safe.

“Never get on the back of a motorbike” and “Always swim parallel to the shore” you would say as we headed out the door. In other words, just come home to me, safe. You are the same now with your six precious grandchildren. No matter that you are outnumbered once again by four to two, no matter that none of your grandsons are Dowlings or bear your first name. Only that they are healthy and happy. You only ask for one small thing – that they speak to you on the phone when you ring to keep you going until your next visit when you hug and kiss us and bask in this lovely big warm family that you helped to create.

We all love you Dad.
From the bottom of my heart,
Gina xx