Irish Museum of Childhood: recalling Irish childhoods "warts and all"

Day of events in Dún Laoghaire aims to raise awareness about the proposed Museum of Childhood

Children play in Dublin in June 1955. The Museum of Childhood project aims to chronicle Irish childhood “warts and all”. Photograph Bert Hardy/Picture Post/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

When I visit London, which doesn’t happen often enough for my liking anymore, I always try to go to the Victoria & Albert Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green. I’m drawn to it for suitably childish reasons.

One of the first books I remember ever becoming passionate about as a child was Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild. In the book the three Fossil children would often take the bus along Cromwell Road to the museum, or "save the penny" and walk if it was a fine day, trailing their hands along the railings of the grand houses they passed.

The idea that you could actually go and visit this place that I’d read about in a book, where I could visualise Pauline, Petrova and Posy inspecting the museum’s dollhouses, was and still is a kind of book magic to me. Every time I walk into that gorgeous building filled with childhood treasures I think of them.

I love that museum. I wish there was one like it in Dublin. And that’s the wish of a group of people including museum founder Majella McAllister and former director of the National Library Dr Pat Donlon who have been working for years to create such a place.


McAllister says that, having seen many museums of childhood and children’s war museums around the world, she felt “the lack of something similar in Ireland”.

“We need somewhere to tell the story of children, through objects and stories and experiences, a social history museum. We want to tell all the stories around childhood and growing up on the island of Ireland, whether that is around clothing, medicine, rights, family, war, celebrations, toys, holidays or school. When it comes to childhood there is an awful lot to cover.”

Some of the other people supporting the project include Dr Marnie Hay of DCU and the historians from the History of Irish Childhood Research Network.

Dr Donlon, who chairs the museum’s board, says a lot of the groundwork has already been done but what they are looking for now is a permanent home for the museum in the Dún Laoghaire area of south Dublin.

“When you hear a museum of Irish childhood you think of old dolls and old teddy bears. And yes, there will be all of that, and it will be a place of learning and of fun for children,” she explains.

“But it will also be a museum of Irish childhood warts and all. We want to create a space for somewhere that is going to tell the story of how children have been treated in Ireland over the centuries, the good and the bad.”

So look, I know there’s something quite big happening in Dublin city-centre this weekend involving a smiley man traversing the streets of our capital in a pimped-up golf cart, but if you want to stay out of town with your children may I suggest an alternative?

This Saturday in Dún Laoghaire, there is a day of events designed to to showcase what a Museum of Childhood might look like and the kinds of exhibits and activities it might include from hopscotch to exciting excavations to puppet shows and writing workshops. The Museum of Childhood event day will keep you and your little ones occupied all day long. Here is a selection of the events.

Write on

Mini-detectives will love this display of Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books in the Lexicon Library but there’s plenty more going on in this space. Fighting Words are holding two children’s creative writing workshops. They are free events but booking on Eventbrite is essential. From 2-4pm there’s a writing club for younger teenagers inspired by the Museum of Childhood’s history and children’s rights session on vulnerable children and childhoods.These are free events but booking on Eventbrite is essential.

Lexicon Library, Haigh Terrace, Dún Laoghaire

Can you dig it?

This sounds fascinating. An archeological dig for children with Dr Mark Powers in the grounds of St Michael’s Church. The dig takes place from 11am until 5pm. If you don’t fancy getting your hands dirty there is hopscotch and seanachaí from 1-3pm and puppetry from 11am to 1pm.

St Michael's Church, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, events free but booking on Eventbrite for the archaeological dig

Super Giant Toy Cabinet

Anyone heading to Bloomfield Shopping Centre on Saturday will be hard pressed to recognise the place. The whole centre is being transformed into a giant museum toy cabinet by SmArty Crafty. There is also face painting and an arts and crafts workshop from 11am until 2pm. Stick around for the traditional Punch and Judy show at 3pm.

Bloomfield Shopping Centre, Lower George's Street. Booking on Eventbrite required for the arts and crafts workshop

Grand Designs

Piggybank is the fundraising shop for the Museum of Childhood and, as you’d expect, it will be very busy on Saturday. From 11am to 12.30pm there’s a children’s designing session with Anna Dobson from Love Mo Chuisle taking inspiration from the Museum of Childhood’s exhibition on children’s clothing of yore, which is on at the Bank of Ireland down the road. Anna will show a short documentary on how Irish tweed is made and children can create clothes designs using tweed pieces. The event is free but booking is essential.

A reading inspired by the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew exhibition at the Lexicon will take place from 2.30pm to 3.30pm. No booking is required.

Piggybank, Lower George’s Street, Dún Laoghaire

Skip To It

I am hoping this event at Johnny Carr’s Playground is also open to adults: a “professionally run” skipping workshop with Skip ‘n’ Rope. Great chance to dust off all those traditional skipping rhymes and learn some new ones. Booking is not required.

Johnny Carr's Playground, Library Road, Dún Laoghaire, 11am to 4pm

In addition to the above events, balloon-making will happen at various locations around Dún Laoghaire from 3-5pm. The Eventbrite link for the events can be found at: or on the Museum of Childhood Facebook page