Isolation, antigen and Omicron: How has Covid-19 affected your Christmas?

Reader call out: Tell us your stories of how the pandemic impacted your celebrations

With around 50,000 cases reported over the last five days as well as many people with positive antigen tests struggling to get a PCR test to confirm their Covid status, it has been a strange and difficult time for many across the country and abroad. Photograph: iStock

This Christmas has seen many people opting or having to stay away from family and friends because of Covid-19 concerns.

With around 50,000 cases reported over the last five days as well as many people with positive antigen tests struggling to get a PCR test to confirm their Covid status, it has been a strange and difficult time for many across the country and abroad.

Some saw their Christmas dinner left outside their bedroom or front doors because they were isolating and others joined the festivities via Zoom after their plans to catch up with others scuppered by the pandemic.

We at The Irish Times would like to hear your stories of how Covid-19 has affected your Christmas plans. You can tell us about your experiences via the form on this page. We may publish your submission in The Irish Times and on


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