Róisín Meets: Johnny Orlando on YouTube fame and ‘haters’

Róisín Ingle chats to Canadian teen, his father Dale and fellow popstar Mackenzie Ziegler

Johnny Orlando has amassed over 10 million fans across his social media accounts

When he was eight, Johnny Orlando's big sister asked their parents if she could upload a video of her little brother singing a song to YouTube.

His father didn’t see the harm in it and thought it would probably clock up a few listens from family members, but fast-forward to 2018 and Orlando, who just turned 15, is a pretty big deal.

After six years in show business, the Canadian singer has amassed over 10 million fans across his social media accounts and last December he played a sold-out show with fellow popstar Mackenzie Ziegler at The Academy in Dublin.

On the latest Róisín Meets podcast, Orlando talks to Róisín Ingle about finding fame on the internet and how he deals with the ‘haters’ he sometimes encounters there.


Also on the podcast, Johnny’s father Dale Orlando talks about what it’s like to be the parent of a YouTube star and 13-year-old Mackenzie Ziegler speaks about collaborating him.

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