So what’s hot and what’s not this week?

Yes to horchata lattes and uncut movies, no to high-waist jeans and doggy doo-doo

Sizzle! The Real Housewives of New York


Horchata lattes
Get some nuts in your coffee.

Placard standards
Protest signs are getting better and funnier.

Rubble! Luas works near Trinity College. Photograph: Dave Meehan

The Gibson Hotel
Getting positive vibes thanks to First Dates.


Leading the charge for gender pay parity.

Airlines leaving films be
Enjoying an in-flight movie without annoying edits or censoring.

Real Housewives of New York
Ridiculous and brilliant.

Say it with sleeves
Longer, printed with text, our arms welcome the return.


Hot-take journalism
Contrarians feel more and more irrelevant in the world we live in.

The emissions scandal won't be forgotten.

Rogue dog poopers
The scourge of neighbourhood footpaths.

Awkward cinema drinks holders
What's wrong with leaving them by the arm rests?

Hops overload
Bring on craft lagers, step way from the IPA.

High-waist jeans
When a resilient trend isn't kind to a post-meal belly.

Luas fatigue
We've almost forgotten what it's like for Dublin city centre not to be choked by the Luas works.