‘Super tacky’ tinfoil decorations make Christmas perfect for Maura Dore

All I Want: Family traditions are key for Kildare’s Channel 4 reality star

Maura Dore is happiest with a hot chocolate and a lit fire.

When do festivities usually kick off in your household?

I've already started Christmas shopping but they usually kick off properly once Christmas FM is on the radio.

What decorations do you go for?

We take Christmas to a whole new level in our house. We have a projector that lights on to our house and we have two trees inside. The kids’ tree is in the TV room, which is like super tacky with tinfoil and lights in different colours. Then we have like the family tree, which is classy with Newbridge Silverware ornaments.

Best Christmas memory?

When I was about four, my parents woke me up and surprised me with a trip to Lapland. The whole thing was magical. And when I saw the big man himself, he had the present I wanted: a Build-a-Bear outfit for my teddy bear.

Tell us about your average Christmas Day.

We’re all adults but we still wake up really early. We go down and do presents from Santa, have some breakfast and then we’ll go to the 11 o’clock Mass. We come back, have a coffee break, do presents from the family and then usually we’ll have a few neighbours or family pop over. Then we’ll do dinner – it’s usually us three sisters, Mam, Dad and Granny.


Best and worst Christmas films?

I like Home Alone. Or any classic one. As long as I have a hot chocolate and the fire is lit, I’m a happy girl.

Best part of the Christmas meal?

The best parts are the family traditions: we do scratch cards between starter and main course, and between main course and dessert we do our Christmas crackers, and then the Christmas pudding going on fire.

What’s the most irritating thing about Christmas?

All the grinches: the people who don’t get in the Christmas mood.

What’s on your Christmas jumper?

My favourite is an elf one with these jingly things and a pocket to put candy canes. I have a great time eating the candy canes and being super cosy.

What are you hoping for from Santa this year?

I’ve been wishing for a camera for a long time. I’m hoping Santa brings that so I can do more vlogging.

Favourite Christmas tipple?

A Bailey’s hot chocolate with loads of cream and crumbled Flake on top. I might try a peppermint version this year.