The Women’s Podcast question of the week: Who is your Queen of Ireland?

As Conor Horgan’s documentary about Rory O’Neill/Panti Bliss is released, we want to know who you would crown queen of this country

Each week on The Women’s Podcast, the presenter Irish Times journalist Kathy Sheridan asks listeners a question. This week in Episode 6 her question is prompted by Conor Horgan’s documentary movie about Rory O’Neill/Panti Bliss called The Queen of Ireland which is released this week:

“We want to know who is your queen of Ireland and why does she deserve the crown?”

Tell us who you would nominate as Queen of Ireland and the reason behind your choice. You can email answers to or tell us through facebook and twitter @itwomenspodcast

Last week’s question was budget related given last week’s hot financial talking point and we asked: If you got 100 extra euro a month in the budget what would you do with it?


Lots of you got in touch and here are some of your responses:

Emer said she’d spend it on sweets. Sheridan, confessing to having a bumper bag of wine gums on the studio desk, approved this message. Ann got in touch by twitter and she said If I had an extra 100 euro “I’d bring one of my grandchildren for a very good meal once a month. I’m in my seventies and I think that would be a lovely use of the money.”

Sarah tweeted us to say that in all seriousness she’d spend it on Fancy Bras. “Very good use of the money I think,” said Sheridan. “As long as they’re not pink”.

One of the biggest fans of The Women’s Podcast, Ross O’Carroll-Kelly tweeted that he’d spend it on a woman, several women infact.

And Dr Niamh NicGhabhann emailed us : My answer to your weekly question - save for my deposit for a house. I’m not a big spender but finding it so hard to build up my savings for a deposit with all the extra charges and taxes.