Walter Lionel (Bob) O’Kelly – An Appreciation

The hereditary O’Kelly de Gallagh et Tycooly for 70 years

Among the wider O’Kelly of Hy-Many Clan he was affectionately referred to as Count Walter

Walter O’Kelly (July 17th, 1921 – January 16th, 2017) had been the quietly attentive hereditary O’Kelly de Gallagh et Tycooly for 70 years when he died at the age of 95 on January 16th last. His gentle philosophies were a cornerstone of his leadership of the clan.

In addition to being a member of the Council of Irish Chiefs and Chieftains, he held the courtesy title of Count of the Holy Roman Empire, the eighth descendent of Festus O’Kelly who was honoured by Empress Maria Theresa in 1767. She had conferred on Festus, and his family in perpetuity, the title of Count de Gallagh et Tycooly.

Walter became known as “Bob” because of his favourite pony when he was a child and this was how he was known by family and friends. Among the wider O’Kelly of Hy-Many Clan he was affectionately referred to as Count Walter.

He was a man of moral and theological absolutes with an indomitable spirit and an absolute belief in the Catholic faith. He impressed on his children the importance of not always accepting without question the authority of others or their opinions.


Having studied civil engineering at Trinity College Dublin, he served as an officer in the Royal Engineers during the later part of the second World War in India and Malaya. He then joined the newly established Bord na Móna, where he spent most of his working life, until his retirement after 37 years in 1986.

But as well as for his achievements as an engineer and business executive, he will also be remembered as one of the longest-serving clan chieftains in Ireland.

The O’Kelly family of Gallagh and Tycooly traces its ancestry directly, as a senior branch of the O’Kellys of Ui Maine, back to Maine Mór.

Uí Maine, often anglicised as Hy-Many, was an independent kingdom from prehistoric times comprising large parts of Galway and Roscommon. Máine Mór is said to have established the kingdom around 357 AD. It continued as a subject kingdom up to the end of the medieval era.

The O’Kelly family built three castles, including Gallagh (Castleblakeney) and is closely associated with the Battle of Knockdoe in 1504.

Later, in the 17th century, Col William O’Kelly of Gallagh fought against Cromwell, which resulted in the loss of his castle and estate. The family subsequently moved into Tycooly House, near Athenry.

Walter O’Kelly was predeceased by his wife June in 2006. He is survived by their four children: Barbara, Eithne, Michele and Robert.