What makes you happy? Italian men and no Facebook

We asked what was making you #IrishTimesHappy. Here are some of your responses

The #VotesForWomen pageant which was part of the St Patrick’s Day parade made a lot of people happy.

What’s making you happy? Tell us by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or using #IrishTimesHappy on Twitter. This week’s answers are below.

Arrived home after my first weekend working in seven months after months of quite a serious illness (not life-threatening, just debilitating) to find my wife and daughters sitting on couches watching “The Princess Diaries”. The dog has a welcome kiss for me and all is normal – Damian @damianobrien

My #FreedomMachine bicycle and all the 99 wonderful women with me on our St Patrick’s Day pageant @DublinCyclingCampaign – Donna

An Italian man called Mauro and smoked vegan cheese slices – Elizabeth @elizabethmoy


Hanging out the washing, deactivating Facebook account, homemade bread baking, farming on a sunny day – Anne @galinwellies

Eight years sober today. Coping with life on a daily basis and having the courage (I hope) to change the things I can – Gerry @gerryheed

The thought of being back in Dublin to see family and friends in a few months – @ballyshonagnz