What makes you happy? Rainbows, eggs and a birthday girl

We asked what was making you #IrishTimesHappy – here’s what you said

An Irish rainbow in gloomy skies made one reader #IrishTimesHappy.

What is making you happy? Tell us by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or using #IrishTimesHappy on Twitter. This week’s answers are below:

What’s making me happy? A daily gratitude journal to notice the little things – @Irishpsyassist

Somewhere over the Irish rainbow – Valentina @zazietop

Going over to Crumlin Hosp now to collect my Daughter & bring her home after 3 wks, just in time for her 15th Birthday! – Karen @stokeseyk


A dozen eggs appearing outside my front door, delivered quietly by our neighbour (and their chickens) – Amanda @amandageard

Taking the puppy for a walk on a lovely fresh morning and seeing a little grey squirrel running around the park – Claire @ClaireAllan

The first spring morning of the year enjoying breakfast in the sunshine on the back garden patio with my beloved hard copy of The Irish Times – David (via email)