What’s making you happy? New kitchens, musical daughters and nice nieces

We asked what was making you #IrishTimesHappy. Here are some of your responses

#IrishTimesHappy: the joy of a nearly finished new kitchen. Photograph: @katebielinski

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Our nearly finished new kitchen! – Kate @katebielinski

At 67 years of age, finally accompanying my 3 singer daughters on guitar at three gigs last week – Ray @rayrosebray

Spent the weekend with my delicious niece and managed the school run this morning with her telling me "don't worry I'll tell you what to do" – Hanna @annmaroc

My weekly Artist's Way class. Two and a half hours of chill, writing, reflecting and sharing with amazing women. I live for it – Karen @stokeseyk


My supreme happy moment was arriving back from a very long holiday and hearing the whoops of joy and getting the biggest hug ever from our two year old grandson. Nothing beats it – Rosi