All recipes serve four

All recipes serve four


3 medium-sized potatoes
3 aubergines
oil for frying
2 tsp whole caraway seeds
1 tsp black mustard seeds
half teaspoon sweet paprika
2 red chillies, or to taste
1 4cm piece of ginger, peeled and grated
1 tsp each of ground coriander and cumin
1 400g tin chopped tomatoes
pinch saffron threads
juice of half a lemon

Cut the potatoes and aubergines into 2cm cubes. Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water until just tender, drain and allow to cool. Sauté the aubergines in four tablespoons of oil until golden. If you are concerned about the amount of oil they tend to soak up, brush with oil and grill, although they will not taste as rich.


Heat two tablespoons of oil and add the caraway, mustard seeds, paprika and chillies and sauté gently for 30 seconds. Combine the ginger, coriander and cumin with the tomatoes and add to the pan along with the potatoes. Fry this mixture gently for five minutes before adding aubergines. Add 450ml of water and the saffron, bring to the boil, lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Stir in the lemon juice and serve with bread or rice.


50g butter
4 chicory, trimmed and split lengthways
1 garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped
1 tbsp finely chopped parsley
100g blue cheese
4 tbsp bread crumbs
1 lemon

Smear a little of the butter over the bottom of a shallow gratin dish just large enough for the chicory. Lay the chicory, cut side down, on the bottom. Season with salt and pepper and a few drops of Tabasco. Scatter with the garlic, parsley and Rocquefort and cover with bread crumbs. Dot with butter and place in a preheated oven, 200 degrees/gas mark 6 for 30-40 minutes, or until brown and bubbling. Serve with a lightly dressed green salad and wedges of lemon.


1kg various root vegetables such as baby beetroot, carrots, parsnips, fennel and red onions, peeled and cut into chunks
7 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp fresh herbs, rosemary and thyme for example, chopped and mixed together
juice of 1 whole lemon
1 tsp caster sugar
1 bunch rocket leaves
1 tbsp shaved Parmesan
110g quick-cook polenta
110g Parmesan, finely grated

Heat a large roasting tin in the oven (220 degrees/gas seven) while you prepare the vegetables. Put the vegetables into a bowl and toss them in one tablespoon of the olive oil and season with the salt, pepper, and one tablespoon of the herb mix. Remove tin from oven and pour in the vegetables, roast for approximately 40 minutes, or until tender on the inside and crispy on the outside.

Make a dressing by whisking together the lemon juice, salt, pepper, sugar and three tablespoons of olive oil, and place in a jug.

To 600ml of boiling water add one teaspoon of salt and the remaining olive oil. Pour in the polenta and stir well; the polenta will bubble so be careful. Lower the heat and cook for about one minute, then put a lid on the pan and set it aside for 15-20 minutes, or until the mixture is very thick and dense. Alternatively, follow the instructions on the packet. While the mixture is still warm, stir in the grated Parmesan. Spread the mixture out onto a flat surface and let it cool. All this can be done well in advance.

Heat a griddle pan, then slice and brush the cold polenta with oil and grill on both sides for two minutes each. Serve with roasted vegetables, shavings of Parmesan, rocket and the dressing.