Right here, right now

Evelyn Sorohan, fresco painter

Evelyn Sorohan, fresco painter

Georgian Dublin must have been invading the dreams of Cavan-born artist Evelyn Sorohan for a while now; the exhibition of her work at the London College, Dublin on Merrion Square fuses the patterns and textures of the era with modern painting technology and a starkly contemporary feel. Commissioned especially by the London College for a permanent exhibition, Sorohan's pieces are fractured and fragmented, just as you might expect the artwork in a centuries-old building to be. But like many of the city's listed Georgian buildings, the London College is in immaculate condition, and the broken lines running through Sorohan's imaginative revisiting of frescoes and plasterwork are strictly for effect. The effect is one of layering, transposing, and striking juxtaposition; both the feel of the time and a sort of gratitude that its piety has passed on emanate from Sorohan's canvasses. Though none of the works in the exhibition is for sale, they are well worth a peek (26 Merrion Square, Mon-Sat, 8am-7pm), and other commissions from the artist are available at 01-8644978 or esorohan@eircom.net. Belinda McKeon