So what’s hot and what’s not this week?

The girls are taking charge (hooray!) and so are the farmers (hmm)

Solange Knowles: sisters are doing it for themselves


#GirlTakeover: Plan International's campaign for the International Day of the Girl on Tuesday

Brussels sprout leaves: Baked or fried for crispy, delicious goodness

Arran Street East: Excellent stoneware in a store on Little Green Street, Dublin 1


Five Guys: The burger chain is finally open in the Republic, in Dundrum Town Centre

'Holding': Graham Norton's debut novel is getting some well-deserved praise

Cacti: Low maintenance greenery is everywhere

Solange: Holding her own next to sister Beyoncé with her album A Seat At The Table


The Holiday Inn:
On O'Connell Street in Dublin – we could do with less of this kind of "architecture"

Ski jackets: Look cool and quirky on the runway, slightly less glam in real life

Fancy water: Added electrolytes, alkaline, and whatever other fad, all put the price up. Stick to the tap

Upcoming NOvember: JanNoMerry is good for detoxing, but you know that you should prep for December by being off the sauce

Celebrity fashion collabs: So many, yet so few endure

Angry farmers: Giving Mary Robinson flack when she's right about eating less meat

Christmas finances: Already stressing about the cost of it all