The Irish Times Index

A guide to what's hot and what's cold.

A guide to what's hot and what's cold.

What's hot

Golf umbrellas We're still getting our money's worth from the Ryder Cup monsterbrollies.

Beating luggage laws Oooh the thrill of sneaking your Clarins through security.


Parkas, boots, big bags All back in fashion within seven years of their last outing. Now where did I put mine?

Irish corn on the cob Deliciously sweet, and with minimal food miles. The season's short, so hit your local market today.

Cinema comedies Talladega Nights, Nacho Libre and Little Miss Sunshine help us laugh through the rain. Roll on Borat next month.

Celeriac mash Definitely hot. Not so good cold.

What's cold

Autumn fashions In the mags but not in the shops. Humph!

Beer-swilling Bond With Heineken on board to promote Casino Royale, will Daniel Craig's James Bond be giving up martinis?

Mobile-phone drivers Still? Have you not heard?

Hotel pools €60 for a family swim for non-residents, when we could stay the night, swim and have breakfast, for €80. Oh pur-lease.