When in Rome, get out of town

ROME WITHOUT doubt is one of the world’s greatest cities

ROME WITHOUT doubt is one of the world’s greatest cities. But after days of sightseeing in its blistering heat, and when your feet begin to resemble grilled kippers, take a well-earned break on the tiny island of Ponza.

Located in the Tyrrhenian sea about 40km off the coast of Lazio, between Rome and Naples, Ponza is the largest of the six volcanic islands in the Pontine Archipelago. Few foreigners visit the island, which is only eight kilometres long and two kilometres wide, so it’s a good place to get a little taste of the real Italy.

To get to Ponza is easy. From Roma Termini (central station) take a train to Anzio, an hour or so away. Then jump on a one-hour hydrofoil (about €20 one-way) or three-hour ferry (about €10 one-way; www.vetor.it).

The town of Ponza is built around a crescent-shaped fishing harbour. The houses rise haphazardly from the water’s edge, gradually leading to the upper part of the town via twisting narrow streets and winding stairways.


You can’t help but relax on this very picturesque island. One of the best ways to do this is to take a boat trip from the fishing harbour, to see.

The big event of the year on Ponza is the Festa di San Silverio. Every year many of the islanders who emigrated in search of better lives return as promised, to celebrate and march behind a statue of the saint carried shoulder high by local fishermen. The celebrations culminate with a spectacular fireworks display that goes on late into the night.

If you fancy a swim, or just a lazy day on the beach, there is a small beach beside the town, or stroll to the nearby Chiaia di Luna beach.

To finish off a perfect day on Ponza, dine on the local speciality of lentil soup, followed by some fresh pasta and locally caught fish, washed down by a glass or two of vino. Then sit back and enjoy the spectacular sunset – and prepare to return to the real world.

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