Walk the walk

Dublin gets a new walking tour today - and, unusually, it focuses on food and its role in our history.

Dublin gets a new walking tour today - and, unusually, it focuses on food and its role in our history.

You'll learn the bones of several good dinner-party anecdotes, from the Salmon of Knowledge and St Patrick and the curative leek to how to roast a hedgehog and the role the packed lunch played in the 1916 Rebellion.

Brought to you by the people behind Historical Walking Tours of Dublin, the Story of Irish Food takes two hours - and you're advised to enjoy a hearty breakfast before the walk, as no food is served on the tour. Meet at the gates to Christ Church at 11.30am today or any other Saturday. Tickets cost €12 (concessions €10).See www.historicalinsights.ie.

Alanna Gallagher

Alanna Gallagher

Alanna Gallagher is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in property and interiors