Galway Races Ladies’ Day in pictures: ‘I wanted a unique outfit’

Cork hospital nurse Maritess McCarthy took top prize with her outfit purchased on a Christmas visit to her home country of The Philippines

Racegoers react following the Rockshore Refreshingly Irish Handicap with Laughifuwant during day four of the Galway Races Summer Festival at Galway Racecourse. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Ladies’ Day returned to the Galway Races on Thursday with the winner of the Best Dressed Lady competition taking home €10,000 in cash.

Maritess McCarthy, a cardio-thoracic theatre nurse at Cork University Hospital, took the top spot for her outfit which, she explained, was made by a Filipino designer named Raffaella which she bought while visiting her home country last Christmas.

The winner of Best Dressed Lady prize Maritess McCarthy from Douglas, Cork. Photograph: Andrew Downes/xposure

Ms McCarthy, who lives in Douglas in Cork, said her headpiece was made by Elizabeth Christina Design, also known as Tina Coyne, from Cork. “The crystal embellished clutch is Jimmy Choo and is pre-loved. The red shoes are Jimmy Choo and gold bangle are from my own collection. The gold ear cuff is called ‘3 Star and a Sun’, I bought online from Australia. I wanted a unique and elegant outfit that will also show my heritage.

“I’ve always love red and bright colours hence I picked red and gold. I couldn’t decide what to wear so I bought my outfit while visiting my home country Philippines. I thought of an overall look that will compliment each piece,” she said.

Maritess McCarthy (left) with Anne-Marie Corbett from Mitchelstown, Cork, who won the Best Hat prize. Photograph: Andrew Downes/xposure.

Anne-Marie Corbett from Galway won Best Hat at the event, and a prize of €3,000, for her orange, red and yellow headpiece by Galway milliner Emily Jean.

“I saw this hat on the internet and I thought it was a show stopper piece so I bought it and I wanted something bright and colourful,” McCarthy said.

This year’s judges for Ladies’ Day included stylist Mandy Maher, digital marketing manager for the Connacht Hospitality Group Kieran O’Malley and social media influencer Rachel Gorry.

Eden Maier at day four of the Galway Racing Festival, Ladies' Day. Photograph: Tom Maher/Inpho
Clodagh Bradley, Aimee Murphy and Neasa Weed at Ladies' Day. Photograph: Tom Maher/Inpho
Milliner Gillian Duggan from Galway attends Ladies' Day at the 2023 Galway Racing Festival. Photograph: Andrew Downes/xposure
Model Pam Richardson Hoare from Galway at the Best Dressed Lady competition. Photograph: Andrew Downes/xposure
Jenny Weir poses for a photograph at the Galway Races Summer Festival. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire
Caroline Downey from Tuam at the races. Photograph: Tom Maher/Inpho
Racegoers at Ladies' Day. Photograph: Tom Maher/Inpho
James Wall from Sligo kicks off at Ladies' Day. Photograph: Tom Maher/Inpho
Tara Kheshow from Dublin enjoys Ladies' Day on Thursday. Photograph: Tom Maher/Inpho
Florian Oexler from Germany at Ladies' Day. Photograph: Tom Maher/Inpho
Ruslana Karastoyanova from Bulgaria attends the Galway races on Thursday. Photograph: Tom Maher/Inpho
Aimee Nolan, Niamh Halpin, Fiona Caldwell and Rachel Gurry enjoy Ladies' Day. Photograph: Tom Maher/Inpho
Eilish Ryan, Catherine Byrne, Rebecca Foley, Louise Allen, Ailish McDonagh and Collette Reynolds enjoy the festivities. Photograph: Tom Maher/Inpho
Erin Hagan poses for a photograph at day four of the Galway Races Summer Festival. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire
Evelina Pozdniak (7) from Ukraine at the races. Photograph: Tom Maher/Inpho
Glen Murphy

Glen Murphy

Glen Murphy is an Irish Times journalist