How are you planning to spend Christmas this year?
I’ll have Christmas in my own house. When myself and Shane got together we decided to start our own tradition. Now I’m thinking maybe going to someone else’s house wouldn’t be so bad because let’s face it, adulthood is overrated. Having said that, when I’m on my fourth round of Christmas dinner I’ll be so glad I don’t have to move.
How do you like to decorate?
I just let the kids decorate the tree and throw bits around the house. I love all the tat. Stylish Christmas decorations don’t make sense to me. You’ve a dead tree in your sittingroom that you watch die for a month – let’s relax. Oh and lights, lights, lights!
Best and worst Christmas movies?
I mean this is a hard question. The original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Die Hard and Back to the Future are all movies I have to see. And the bad ones aren’t really bad because they allow me to have a nap on the couch guilt-free.
Favourite Christmas tune?
Last Christmas by George Michael – need I say more?
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Is religion an important aspect of Christmas for you?
No, not at all. Nothing against Baby Jesus – it’s just not my buzz.
Best Christmas present ever?
When I was five I got a doll whose make-up changed with cold or warm water. I loved her so much ... until I gave her a haircut.
What’s on your Christmas wish list?
‘Sure I don’t need anything, don’t be getting me anything now’ – Apologies, I’m programmed not to tell.
Favourite Christmas food and drink?
A White Russian makes me feel like the Dude in The Big Lebowski. And when it comes to food I’m going to be very controversial and say sprouts. In my defence, sprouts with bacon and 10kg of butter.
Christmas jumper yes or no? Describe.
Yes. Seizure inducing.
Favourite traditions new and old.
Chocolate for breakfast.
What kind of Christmas shopper are you?
It’s panic, panic, panic ... then f**k it vouchers, f**k it cash.
Worst Christmas present you ever gave or received?
One year I got a laundry basket. Now I was 14. But, that said, there’s no such thing as a bad gift because I hid my cigarettes in it.
Emma Doran plays Vicar Street in Dublin on April 21st, 2023