230 prisoners get temporary release

Around 230 prisoners will be granted temperary leave over Christmas, the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice Michael McDowell announced…

Around 230 prisoners will be granted temperary leave over Christmas, the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice Michael McDowell announced today.

This figure represents around seven per cent of the prisoner population and is a significant reduction on the number released last year, which was in the region of 280 prisoners.

Those being released are nearing the end of their sentences.

The releases are granted under the Criminal Justice Act 1960. Criteria taken into account when assessing prisoners for release include the nature and gravity of the offence, length of sentence served to date, prior record on temporary release, behaviour while in custody and previous criminal history.


The periods of release vary from a few hours up to eight nights.

All releases are subject to stringent conditions, which in the vast majority of cases includes a requirement that the prisoner report to his or her local Garda station. Any offender who breaks these conditions may be arrested and returned immediately to prison by the Gardaí.