250,000 people have had swine flu vaccine

ABOUT 250,000 people have received the swine flu vaccine so far, the Health Service Executive (HSE) has confirmed

ABOUT 250,000 people have received the swine flu vaccine so far, the Health Service Executive (HSE) has confirmed. Some 30,000 people have been vaccinated at HSE-run clinics and more than 200,000 doses of the vaccine have been given by about 2,000 GPs since the vaccination programme began 10 days ago.

An estimated 400,000 people from at-risk medical groups and pregnant women were asked to present for the vaccine first. Children under five years and people aged 65 and over are to be offered the vaccine later this month and early next month.

“During November and December, we will write to parents of children in this age group and to older people inviting them to attend a HSE vaccine clinic,” the HSE said.

“Please wait until you receive your letter, as this ensures you will not have a long wait at the clinic. When these groups begin to be vaccinated, we will move on to inviting older children in schools and the wider population to attend for vaccination.”


Health Protection Surveillance Centre figures show that children aged four years and under have had the highest rates of swine flu infection so far. Vaccination of 800,000-900,000 school pupils starts on November 23rd.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times