3 die in North from swine flu

Three more people in Northern Ireland have died after contracting swine flu, it was confirmed tonight.

Three more people in Northern Ireland have died after contracting swine flu, it was confirmed tonight.

One of victims was a Derry schoolgirl who attended the same special needs school as a teenager who died from the virus last week.

Ashleigh Lynch (14) was a pupil at Foyleview school in Derry where Orla O’Kane, also 14, attended before her death. Five pupils at the school have contracted the virus.

Ashleigh died in the city’s Altnagelvin Hospital today - health officials said swine flu was a contributory factor, but not the primary cause.


In a statement, the teenager’s family said: “Ashleigh Lynch was a dearly loved daughter, sister, auntie and granddaughter. Her life brought much joy and richness to her family and friends.”

The deaths of two other people with the virus - a man (62) and a patient whose details are not being made public — were also confirmed by the authorities.

Stormont Health minister Michael McGimpsey said the man had swine flu but it was not the cause of death. The third victim also had other complex health issues, said the minister. Both died in hospital.

Ten people from Northern Ireland have now died after contracting the virus - eight within the region, one in England and one in Spain.

Minister McGimpsey extended his condolences to the families of latest three victims.

“This is tragic news and I would like express my sincere and deepest sympathies to each of the families,” he said.

“My thoughts are with them at this very sad time for them. We should all now respect the privacy of the families involved who are grieving for their loved ones.” T

The latest deaths were announced on the day Northern Ireland’s swine flu vaccination programme was launched by Mr McGimpsey — directed first at frontline health and social care staff.

Tomorrow and Friday the vaccine will be offered to around 2,500 children in more than 20 special schools because they are considered to be especially vulnerable because of their underlying health conditions.

Five people in the Republic have died from contracting the virus. The latest victim, a man from the east of the country with an underlying health condition, died on Sunday.

The four others who died from swine flu in the State also had underlying medical conditions.