54% approve of Noonan in poll

The Fine Gael leader, Mr Michael Noonan, has an approval rating of 54 per cent in his home constituency, according to the findings…

The Fine Gael leader, Mr Michael Noonan, has an approval rating of 54 per cent in his home constituency, according to the findings of a TG4/MRBI poll in East Limerick.

Of the 400 voters polled, 21 per cent expressed dissatisfaction and 25 per cent offered no opinion. Minister of State, Mr Willie O'Dea (FF), received an approval rating of 77 per cent, reflecting his general election poll-topping position, while the former Progressive Democrats leader, Mr Des O'Malley, who is retiring from politics, got a 44 per cent approval rating.

The Labour Party TD, Ms Jan O'Sullivan, received a 57 per cent satisfaction rating and the Fianna Fáil TD, Mr Eddie Wade, got a 27 per cent rating.

Crime, healthcare and drugs are the top three concerns of those polled. Crime was named as the main concern by 51 per cent, with more gardaí as the preferred solution for 40 per cent. A third sought tougher court sentences, while 25 per cent wanted the underlying social problems to be tackled as part of the solution.


Healthcare and hospital services were raised as an issue by 41 per cent, and were of particular concern to those aged over 65.

Disquiet about drugs was expressed by 19 per cent of those polled, but was a concern for 28 per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds. Other issues raised were the cost of living, the state of roads, young people's facilities and education.

Asked separately about Shannon Airport, 94 per cent said it was "every important" to the region, but 67 per cent expressed dissatisfaction with the way the issue was handled by the Government; 76 per cent regarded the work of Shannon Development, the local economic development agency, as "very relevant".