A Prophet of Doom

A German seer - one Joseph Weissenberg, who is said to have ten thousand followers - announces the instant doom of England

A German seer - one Joseph Weissenberg, who is said to have ten thousand followers - announces the instant doom of England. If he is a true prophet, Messrs. Baldwin, Lloyd George and Macdonald are engaged now in a pathetic waste of time; for there will be no general election. On Saturday next Great Britain, engulfed by a vast earthquake, will sink beneath the waves and will disappear for ever from the face of the earth. The floods caused by the same earthquake will wreak havoc in Ireland, France, Belgium and America. Germany will be more fortunate, but will not escape unscathed. She will be attacked by plague, which will claim 17,000 victims in a single town; and when, staggered by this blow, she is unable to pay reparations, she will be invaded by the combined armies of France and Poland. The Prophet Weissenberg says that his predictions are based on direct communications from Archangel Gabriel.

The Irish Times, May 24th, 1929.