A Sense of Time

According to the results of an American investigation there are many people, of whom I am unfortunately not one, who can waken…

According to the results of an American investigation there are many people, of whom I am unfortunately not one, who can waken themselves voluntarily at any given time. The investigators say that this power is not rare, and that it can be trained into a habit. They examined over 200 college students, whose ages ranged between 20 and 30 years, and about 60 per cent. of those examined claimed that they could awake at any given time with out the intervention of any external influence and without any previous disturbance. Whether the 60 per cent. proved their claim is not stated. At all events, one of those examined stated that he could wake every two hours to administer medicine, although he was ordinarily a very sound sleeper. There was another man who, if he were awakened at any hour of the night and asked the time, would answer correctly, and at once, without looking at a watch. One of the investigators says that "the mysterious time sense" is only one of many senses beyond the traditional five.

The Irish Times, May 16th, 1931.