A welcome for Charlie

Charlie Haughey, as is his wont, was among the first of the 600 to arrive at the annual Christmas party of the National Treasury…

Charlie Haughey, as is his wont, was among the first of the 600 to arrive at the annual Christmas party of the National Treasury Management Agency (aka Auntie May) in Dublin Castle on Wednesday. When he entered the ballroom the first guests to greet him were two High Court judges - Paul Carney and Rickie Johnson. With the Moriarty Tribunal trundling on in the next room, one can't imagine what CJH thought as the long arms of the law approached.

As the chief executive, Michael Somers, mingled with the scores of bankers, lawyers, civil servants, business people and other liggers, it was remarked that he and his agency may be victims of their own success. Isn't the day approaching when there will be no debt to manage at all, at all?