Abbas moves to shore up ceasefire after attacks

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is to confront militant leaders in the Gaza Strip today with a demand they stop attacking…

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is to confront militant leaders in the Gaza Strip today with a demand they stop attacking Israelis.

The move comes after Mr Abbas sacked his top security commanders, and the central committee of his Fatah movement has announced a state of emergency in the Palestinian security forces aimed at preventing new attacks.

The moves to stamp out the violence came after a sustained rocket and mortar barrage on Jewish settlements yesterday that threatened to unravel the ceasefire with Israel just days after it was announced.

Israel praised Mr Abbas' swift action, but said it had only limited patience before it would take matters into its own hands. Israel's Deputy Defence Minister Zeev Boim called on the Palestinian leader to take tougher action against the militants, saying the "window of opportunity is closing".


Despite the renewed tension, Palestinian and Israeli officers met last night at a Gaza crossing point to discuss cooperation. The Israelis demanded a halt to the mortar and rocket fire, and the Palestinians spelled out their security plans.

An official said that in his Gaza talks today with leaders of militant groups, Mr Abbas would "inform them that there is only one Palestinian Authority and one leadership, and he will not accept any measures that can subject our national project to danger".

Hamas claimed responsibility the 30 mortars and 26 rockets, one of the biggest barrages in four years of violence aimed at two settlements in southern Gaza yesterday.