Abduction of woman across Border 'random'

Gardaí in Dundalk have said they believe the abduction of a young woman who was taken across the Border by a man and woman working…

Gardaí in Dundalk have said they believe the abduction of a young woman who was taken across the Border by a man and woman working together was a “random” incident.

However, they have warned women to be particularly vigilant, especially if walking alone at night.

Dundalk-based Garda superintendent Gerry Curley confirmed there is a joint investigation with the PSNI into the incident, which began at about 12.30am last Friday.

The victim was a woman in her early 20s who was walking to her home in Dundalk, Co Louth, and was close to the Long Walk shopping centre when she was accosted by a man.


He forced her into a waiting car that was driven by a woman known to him.

The car was driven across the Border.

It is believed the driver took a number of minor roads to do this and did not use the M1 motorway.

When the car arrived in Newry the man and the kidnapped woman were dropped at a house by the driver, who then drove off. After about an hour the abducted woman escaped and made her way to a neighbouring house and the alarm was raised.

The extent of her injuries is unclear but it is believed she was physically assaulted.

Gardaí said that the woman, who is not from Dundalk but who lives there, was “very traumatised”.

She has since left Dundalk and moved back with her family.

Gardaí confirmed that while the woman had been walking on her own at the time of the abduction, a number of people had witnessed the incident.

“There were people who were very helpful to us and their assistance was very important,” said Supt Curley.

He said gardaí were advising women “to be aware of their surroundings” and to take additional care if walking alone at night.

However, he said he believed what happened was “random and a once-off”.

It is understood the PSNI arrested and interviewed two people and a man appeared in court in connection with the incident over the weekend.