Ahern in Belfast as IRA statement awaited

Minister for Foreign Affairs Dermot Ahern is to hold key meetings in Belfast today as the North braces itself for an IRA statement…

Minister for Foreign Affairs Dermot Ahern is to hold key meetings in Belfast today as the North braces itself for an IRA statement expected in the coming weeks.

The British and Irish Governments have been stepping up contacts in recent weeks in anticipation of a positive IRA response to Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams call in May for the Provisionals to commit themselves to democracy.

Mr Ahern will have separate talks with PSNI Chief Constable, Hugh Orde and Police Ombudsman Nuala O'Loan. He will also meet members of the Policing Board, whose work he has enthusiastically supported in the past.

Mr Ahern will also be the first Government representative to meet the new Ulster Unionist Party leader, Sir Reg Empey since his election last weekend.


The successor to David Trimble has already insisted that his party will not share power with Sinn Fein in the lifetime of the current suspended Stormont Assembly. An SDLP party delegation will also discuss current political issues with the Mr Ahern.

"As a Border TD, Mr Ahern is interested in receiving a personal appraisal of political, policing and security issues on the ground in Northern Ireland and reporting back to the Irish Government," his spokesman said.

Possible sectarian tensions during the Protestant marching season are also expected to be discussed at the meetings.

Northern Ireland Secretary of State Peter Hain is currently on a four-day visit to New York and Washington to brief Irish American figures on progress in the Northern Ireland peace process.

Taoiseach Bertie Ahern told the Dail yesterday that he expected a statement from the IRA before the August Bank holiday weekend in the Republic.

He also said he was gratified that IRA members across the island were engaged in serious talks about their future. "The fact that they're debating the issue is itself a good thing and hopefully we'll get the right answer from them," he said.